Glide on the screen or buttons to view tooltips.
Map is based on OpenStreetMap data and displays pathways, roads, rivers, lakes, forests and coastlines.

It will display your current position, your previous steps and eventually, a track to follow and/or the location of emergencies.

You can move around freely and also zoom in and out from an area as wide as France to an unique street.

Maps are updated every two months and can be found in the Downloads section.
Frequently asked questions about the map
Where does the map data come from ?
Maps are based on OpenStreetMap's data.
Which maps are available ?
Maps are available in the Downloads section. If you would like more maps, please ask
What is "" ?
A low-resolution map of the world's coastlines. It only weights ~60 MB and provides a nice background for the areas you don't have a high-resolution map of.
What is the map refresh rate ?
The map updates every time a meaningful position or heading change happens with a limit of once per second.